EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Devil, devils (evil angels) accidents caused by, to destroy gospel workers 1T 347    [319]
    like roaring lions, seek to destroy Christ’s followers EW 192
    lying dreams given to men by 1T 433
    make every effort and use every device to advance error and wrong 1T 467
    malicious designs of, against man’s peace and happiness GC 513
    malignity and power of, no man can safely be ignorant or unheeding of GC 513
    man forbidden by James and John to cast out DA 437
    man in his own strength has no defense against GC 517
    man who led people to think they were possessed by 2SM 45
    men are set free from, through God’s grace DA 323
    men used by, as mediums of communication DA 338
    men who debate with spiritualists communicate with 3T 485
    men who have, as attendants 2T 514
    many people resort to, rather than to trust in God’s power CH 454
    mark mean and covetous acts of professed Christians EW 268-9
    marshaled in companies GC 514
    marvels and miracles wrought by, in sight of men 1T 302
    Mary (sister of Lazarus) delivered from, by Christ seven times DA 568
    mind once yielded to direct control of, weakness of 3T 414
    minds blinded by GC 599
    minds can be distracted by, when permitted GC 517