EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Difficulty, Difficulties/Troubles/Distress   [132]
    Ellen White did not take time for looking to HP 247.4
    expect, because Christ suffered RC 219.8
    eyes off, by cultivating gratitude to God HP 289.4
    failing under little, by letting them irritate us TMK 139.3
    faith to surmount, requested TMK 170.3
    followers of Jesus will have UL 77.2
    following God’s guidance will clear away TMK 249.3
    freedom from, expected by many new Christians RC 353.4
    fretting to friends about UL 359.2
       bends low to hear the cry of those experiencing OHC 9.4
       brings, to save us from self-sufficiency RC 353.5
       is a sure refuge in times of OHC 317.6
       not humans to be sought when in LHU 55.2
       presence of, may be sensed in times of UL 347.7
       trains us through; commit all to Him in prayer TDG 22.4
       wants us to tell Him about UL 107.4
    gratitude amid apparent HP 101.3
    help those in HP 238.3
    human help sought in UL 107.2