EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Difficulty, Difficulties/Troubles/Distress   [132]
       from God or closeness caused by TDG 42.3
    solved and controversy is ended TMK 365.5
    speaking of, regarding relating to others TDG 19.2
    spiritual experience needed to hold on under RC 201.6
    spiritual muscle through TMK 282.3
    taking/telling/talking of,
       overlooking blessings TMK 232.2
       to Christ, HP 176.3;UL 180.3;
and commit self to Him OHC 325.5
avoid worry 2MCP 466.1
       to God not to humans for sympathy HP 275.2;VSS 306.3;
       to humans, OHC 325.4
implies we have no loving Saviour TDG 42.2
instead of to Jesus OHC 97.3
       to one person becomes a snare to both people 2MCP 767.0
    teach Christ’s will and way UL 235.6
    temptation in times of HP 256.3
    think on promises of God instead of 3SM 163.4
    tomorrow’s, overcome by faith developed today OHC 326.5
    troubled UL 132.3