EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Disciple of Christ, Disciples of Christ   [299]
       teaching to, limited by their understanding OHC 211.2
    commission to, given to all connected with Christ HP 173.3
    connection with Christ taught TDG 41.4
    disappointed after Jesus’ death TMK 363.2
    discouragement of, in the storm on the lake OHC 56.2
    dispute of, about greatness left them incapable of solemn things RC 261.2
    diversity among, for perfection in the work PM 104.1
    experience and conflicts of, foreseen by Christ UL 137.2
    hope of, died when Christ was lifted up FW 63.2
    humble fishermen UL 57.2
    invitation to, drawing power in TDG 41.3
    Judas was, outwardly; He stole in Christ’s presence 2MCP 598.3
    led into sin by not seeing their danger HP 76.3
    lessons of John 14 to 17 reviewed by UL 357.3
    message of, small proportion of the people accepted Mar 38.4
    mission of Christ not understood by OHC 264.2
    neighbor and enemy of, no distinction between HP 319.3
    oneness of, prayed for by Christ TDG 369.4
    our duty to diffuse light as CET 204.2
    partners for, Jesus chose, to complement each other PM 294.2