EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Disciple of Christ, Disciples of Christ   [299]
    periods of rest given to DA 359-63;GW 243;
    perplexed and troubled because He did not secure support of priests and rabbis MB 3
    persecution of, hatred that led to AA 85
    personal relationship of, to Him day by day 5T 223
    place of, always next to Him DA 299
    plucking of grain on Sabbath by DA 284-5;PP 531;
       to eat was not wrong in itself DA 284
    power of, to withstand opposition was proportionate to their conformity to God’s will AA 594
    prayed with intense earnestness for fitness to meet men AA 37
    preparation of, for outpouring of Spirit on Pentecost AA 36-7
    presence of, at crucifixion scene DA 744
    pressed with poverty 4T 254
    prophecies explained to, by Him after His resurrection AA 26-7
    prospects of suffering awaited DA 305
    rabbis accused, of Sabbathbreaking DA 284
    rebuked by Him for disputing about who should be accounted greatest SL 55
    reproved at times for slowness of comprehension 6T 248
    request of, that Judas Iscariot be ordained with them DA 293-4
    return of, from first miss. journey DA 359-60;GW 243;
    returned to fishing for short time DA 249