EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Earth   [347]
    sin brought, under Satan’s power PP 67
    sin separated, from continent of heaven 1BC 1085, 1095;DA 113;ML 260;SD 244;
    solid, witnesses that God’s law is changeless and eternal DA 308
    soon God will terribly shake EW 141, 272;GW 265;7T 141;
    speck of 5BC 1127;6T 124;
       heavenly universe greatly interested in COL 176;DA 356;SD 37;
    still beautiful after man sinned PP 90, 98;3SG 62;
    sun’s genial rays warm DA 206
    surface of: broken up at Flood Ed 129
       changed entirely by Flood PP 107-8;3SG 76;
       not a monotonous plain 5T 312
       will become seething lake of fire GC 672-3;SR 428;
    third curse on, as result of Flood PP 107;3SG 76;4aSG 121-2;SR 72;
    treasures buried in, by Flood PP 108
    treasures concealed in, for persons who till soil FE 326;LS 355;6T 178;
    under God’s control PP 269
    under God’s masterly power CT 395;FE 375;
    uninhabited countries of, before Flood PP 108
    valuable and beautiful things of, placed in men’s hands to test them 5T 736