EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    trained in: habits of simplicity 2BC 1035;PK 218;SD 93;
       life’s common duties Ed 58
    trained to obey his parents and God SD 93
    training of, to become teacher and leader PK 218
    trials experienced by, in abundance PK 222
    true to his trust, through test and trial PK 222
    type of Christ PK 240
    understood meaning of his call from God PK 220
    unmistakable evidence of authority of, as God’s servant PK 240
    went in and out of Bethel 50 years PK 236
    wise and sympathetic father to many people PK 261
    wise counselor of kings PK 259
    work begun by Elijah was built up and strengthened by PK 235
    work of, closed with counsel given to King Joash of Israel PK 263
    youth of Bethel mocked EW 248;PK 235-6;5T 44;
    youth of integrity and fidelity 2BC 1035
    call to people as, from the plow TDG 115.2
    lessons from HP 331
    preferred double portion of God’s Spirit UL 331.5
    proved true to his trust UL 331.4