EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Ephesian church dangers that threatened AA 394-5    [10]
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    early zeal of AA 578-9
    flourishing church raised up by Paul AA 291
    message of Rev. 2:1-7 to AA 578-80;7BC 956-7;1SM 380, 387-8;6T 421-2;
    Paul’s prayer for GC 9
    Paul’s visit with elders of, at Miletus AA 352, 392-6
    symbol of entire Christian church in apostolic times AA 578
    Timothy first bishop of 7BC 916-7
    Timothy placed in charge of AA 498
    Tychicus sent to AA 490, 508;7BC 920-1;
    waning piety of AA 580;6T 421-2;
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