EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Exercise (physical)   [299]
    circulation and respiration quickened by RC 147.4
    combined with mental taxation in educating youth RC 147.7
    daily physical, needed for health 2MCP 375.4
    depression calls for, of all powers RC 161.3
    faith grows by TMK 231.2
    gardening brings, which is God’s work RC 152.4
    heart and mind kept young by RC 163.7
    knowledge about, to regulate us OHC 69.5
    labor affording, benefits mind, muscles and circulation RC 160.5
    mind uninterested in, prevents benefits RC 147.6
    moderate, eat sparingly and take, for self-worth 2MCP 394.1
    neglecting spiritual and physical OHC 221.2
       needed by one in despair TDG 129.3
       remedial agent 1MCP 117.1
    severe, strengthening for healthy young man 1MCP 117.4
    spiritual, essential for spiritual muscle and strength OHC 260.2
    work of God as much as is holding meetings RC 152.4
    See also Inactivity