EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Faith   [1735]
       on promises of the Word with OHC 117.4
    returning to God His own HP 221.4
       living, saving UL 244.2
       in loving acts OHC 73.4
       when truth is in the heart TDG 289.5
    reward for one with UL 111.4
    righteousness by,
       meeting in South Lancaster to present 3SM 180
       neglect of preaching 3SM 186
       resistance to light on, feared after 1888 3SM 180.3
       teaching of, may be imperfect but needed in churches TDG 93.4
       understanding of, needed 3SM 183
       See also Christ, righteousness of
    righteousness of Christ,
       accepted by LHU 40.3
       accepted by, as self is removed TMK 165.3
       imputed by TMK 302.3, 150.2
    robe of Christ was not object of woman’s; He was 2MCP 539.1
    rooted and grounded in, not thirsting for strange ideas TMK 300.5