EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Faith   [1735]
    roots of,
       deep in Christ OHC 331.3
       grounded in Christ NL 38.2
       is not; faith is the eye, ear, feet to grasp it TDG 329.2
       not purchased by; Creator would be obliged FW 20.0
    salvation by/through,
       claimed by many; faith only FW 47.1
       leading to obedience FW 12.2
       more than belief OHC 52.4
       only, claimed by many NL 34.1
       only in Christ’s name HP 51.4
       same for Abraham as for sinner today 3SM 195.1
       seen in works, not based on profession HP 130.4
    sanctification requires, for character transformation 3SM 191.3
    Satan presents difficulties to weaken; do not trust feelings 2MCP 480.1
    Satan’s shadow pierced by; it centers on Jesus HP 127.5
       belief may differ from RC 79.5
       belief only is not; it leads to conformity to law FW 52.2