EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Faith (body of beliefs)
lapse of time has not lessened value of
1SM 201
reasons for: God’s people will be called upon to make known
FE 202
ministers should understand and be able to explain
1T 648
say nothing that would cast reproach upon
5T 649
simplicity and purity of, prayer needed to keep undefiled
2BC 1031
substantiated by Spirit’s instruction and approval, hold as sacred
2SM 407
testimony of, significance of
2T 114
understanding all points of, is essential
4T 315
views opposed to, results of holding
3T 441
be true to, and you will be true to God
LS 303-4
control of, no man should be given title of honor indicating
DA 613
God requires His people to be peculiar in
5T 54