EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Fashion, Fashions   [209]
1. Classes of
2. World’s
3. Miscellaneous
1. Classes of
    absurd, taste for natural simplicity is lost in following CG 421
    baleful, habits of eating affected by CD 258
       table arrangements influenced by CD 258;CG 373;
    carried to ridiculous length, SDA cannot sanction 2SG 287
    changing: attitude of many people toward Ed 246
       God’s children do not dress to keep pace with 3T 239
       leads to wrong habits of diet Ed 246-7
       madness concerning MYP 359
    changing constantly 4T 630-1
    demoralizing, do not sanction MYP 359
    ever-changing and never-satisfying, Satan invents 3T 564;WM 161;
    extravagant, Christian should not follow 4T 571
    health- and life-destroying, children should be taught to carry out correct principles in defiance of 2T 538
    injurious to health, do not follow 2SM 472
       sin of following 2SM 472