EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Fashion, Fashions   [209]
    invented by him, Satan exults when he sees Christians eagerly accepting 4T 634
    latest: as modern Moloch WM 161
       minds of people occupied by 9T 43
       time squandered and money wasted in following 4T 642
       women should have higher aim than to study WM 161
       women who talk of 3T 565
    no one can tell what freak, will take next 4T 640
    of last days, prophecy has noticed 2SG 228;1T 189;
       shameful and immodest 2SG 228;1T 189;
    of the worldly wealthy, do not ape 4T 515
    of this degenerate age, SDA must not yield one inch to 5T 78
    pernicious, large hoops in dress were 4T 635
    ridiculous, Sabbathkeeper’s influence should rebuke 1T 270
       which arose from Parisian house of ill fame 1T 270
    unhealthful, forsake 3T 52
    unhealthful and immodest and expensive, God dishonored by 4T 634
2. World’s
    be willing to move out independent of 1T 277
    children inclined to follow, parents’ duty re 5T 499
    children’s minds should not be engrossed with CG 181