EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Fast (fasting)   [139]
       is no mere formal service DA 278;MB 87;
       needed because of decaying zeal and languishing spirituality 4T 535-6
       object of MB 87
       recommend to all MM 283
    two days of, person who erred in CD 191
    unacceptable to God: condemned through Isaiah AA 413;2T 146-7, 156-7;4T 60;
       mockery of humility 4BC 1150
       only outward show 4BC 1150
       unaccompanied by good works 2T 146-7
       valueless Ev 192
    See also Abstemiousness; Abstinence
    Christ given strength by long 3SM 128.4
    Christ’s, See Christ, fast of
    overcoming by, needed by church members; impurity TSB 119.3
    painful, Christ endured for humans to conquer TMK 314.4
    prayer and, days needed for; Satan’s character to be revealed 3SM 414.3
    searchers for truth after 1844 practiced CET 192.4
    unwise for old worker RY 126.3
    worthless without the merit of Christ 3SM 190.1