EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
what a man should do before assuming
Ed 276
ruler of family as long as he lived
3T 294
sons should be trained by, in his trade or employment
CG 355
sterner virtues should be practiced by
MH 391
sympathy should be shown to mother by
AH 179
tenderness should be shown to mother by
AH 179
time should be taken by, for social and domestic enjoyment
FE 65-6
training children aright costs prayers of
CG 479
warned against governing family too rigidly
4T 127
weakness of, in disciplining children
AH 314-5
wealth selfishly retained by, to enrich children
3T 121
wife should be encouraged by, to lean on his affections
2SM 430
wife’s work for children should be upheld by
MH 394
wise and judicious laws of, children’s duty to respect
4aSG 51
wise and merciful course should be pursued by, in family
2T 253
words of discouragement should not be uttered by
AH 222
working in copartnership with satanic agencies
AH 213
young men’s duty to share burdens of
3T 221