EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Fire, Fires   [138]
    guided Israel in night journey COL 287;DA 463;MM 97;PP 316, 504;SD 222;4T 312;
    illuminated camp of Israel PP 282, 290
    Israel separated from Egyptian army by, at Red Sea PK 153;PP 287;3T 285;
    light enshrouded in DA 464
    lighted Israel’s path through Red Sea PP 287;4T 23-4;
    living memorial before Israel 3T 340
    moves before God’s people as before Israel CG 565
    protected Israel at night AA 315;Ed 34-5;PP 429;
    represented Israel’s divine Leader 4T 22
    represents God’s care for His people PP 283
    rested over sanctuary at night PP 481
    Scriptures are to guide God’s people as CSW 23
    sheltered Israel in wilderness SD 222
    shone on foam-capped billows of Red Sea 4T 24
    signified God’s presence with Israel 3T 340
    speaks terror and wrath to transgressor of God’s law AA 589
    token of God’s presence 3SG 288-9
    token of light, mercy, and deliverance to the obedient AA 589
    ball of, Ellen White’s vision of, coming down upon world RC 243
    common, Aaron’s sons used; Christ not represented Con 81.1