EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Flesh food, Flesh foods   [511]
    physician’s prescription of, no excuse for CD 412
    preferable to large quantities of milk and sugar 2T 369
    preparation of meals without, public demonstrations of CD 442;WM 284;
    principal article of food in some families 3T 563
    question of whether, is safe CD 394;CH 450;
    rich gravies and, objections to 2SM 420
    reeking with fat, perverted taste suited by CD 393
    regard, as unfit for diet CD 414
    religious life is more successful without CD 389
    restaurants should not serve 7T 95
    sale of inferior, displeases God 2T 153
    sanitariums and serving of CD 289-90
    san. managers should not be served CD 414
    san. patient may be served, in exceptional cases CD 294
       in his room CD 290, 294, 414-5
    san. patients should be served food that removes desire for CD 282
    san. patients should not be served CD 414;7T 95;
    san. patients who demand CD 290
    san. patronage should not be increased by serving CD 407, 412
    san. physicians should not be served CD 414