EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Food (unwholesome)   [194]
       disease caused by MH 302
       irritable nerves and bad tempers produced by MH 302
       system deranged by MH 302
    second-hand, flesh food is Ev 663;MH 313;MM 279;
    stomach-irritating: brain excited by CG 460
       children should not be given CG 460
       discard, from principle 2T 367
       passion aroused by CG 460-1
    substitute right kind of food for CD 92
    sweet, better to eat less of CD 321
       impatience and irritability caused by CD 321
       stomach disturbances caused by CD 321
    taxing digestive organs, needs investigation CD 297
    unpalatable, by mode of preparation 1T 681