EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Food (wholesome)   [302]
    Israel ate, while in bondage PP 377
    Israelites murmured against 3SG 249-50
    live on 1T 455
    make proper use of CD 90;MM 283;
    many people will not understand how to prepare CD 275
    nerves steadied by 2SM 437
    nervous forces not unbalanced by 3T 568
    outdoor picnics need 1T 514-5
    patients should be taught to eat MM 260;2SM 281;
    persons of sedentary habits should eat sparingly of 4T 515
    preparation of: all need to understand CD 473;CH 155;MH 323;
       instruction needed re CD 470
       instruction re, needed in every church 7T 112
       many people will not understand art of CD 275
       men should understand CH 155;MH 323;
    recommended 2T 46
    san. patients should be taught to eat MM 260;2SM 281;
    sanitariums should serve MM 170
    sin of eating too much 2T 412
    stomach’s health maintained by 2SM 437