EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Food (wholesome)   [302]
    needless, caution against buying 4T 646
8. Miscellaneous
    Adam’s original diet of, is best 7T 135
    brain and nerve powers nourished by FE 227
    camp meetings should provide CD 329;5T 162-3;
       prepared in simple manner CH 121
    children should be trained from infancy to eat only CD 239
    children should not be permitted to eat only, that they like CG 391
    children should not be permitted to murmur re CG 391
    do not deny yourself of CD 203
    eat freely of, twice a day CD 191
    eat only 2SM 416
    eat regularly of MM 230
    eat temperately of CD 281
    eating excessively of See Eating excessively
    eating immoderately of, avoid CH 119
    excessive eating of best, produces morbid condition of moral feelings CH 67
    expensive, do not buy TM 179
       needless variety of, results in neglect to feed the hungry 4T 646
    family should be provided 2SM 427