EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Food (wholesome)   [302]
    in inviting manner, needed CD 211, 232;2T 538;
    in simple manner, be satisfied with CD 85
       camp meetings need 2T 602
    in tasteful manner, needed CD 211;Ev 265;
    ingenuity needed in 6T 374
    instruction in, is important CH 450-1
       means of breaking down prejudice CD 472
       need of CD 470, 472
       restaurants should give 7T 115
       sanitariums should give CD 254
       schools should give CD 254
       should be given from house-to-house CD 443;Ev 527-8;
    intelligence needed in MH 300
    knowledge re, is God’s property 7T 133
    learn to utilize products of your section of country in MM 268, 274
    milk in, as part of healthful diet CD 92;9T 162;
       God will give ability and tact in eliminating 7T 135
       teach people how to eliminate use of 7T 135
       See also Milk