EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Food (wholesome)   [302]
6. Simple (plain)
    be satisfied with CD 85;4aSG 129;
    brain affected by 2T 46
    camp meetings need CH 121;2T 602;
    child should be allowed only CD 228;2SM 439;
    child who did not relish FE 151
    children should be taught to be content with CT 158
    Christ fed 5,000 with DA 367;MH 47;
    church members should show neighbors how to prepare 7T 112-3
    Daniel and companions ate CD 31;PK 484;
    digestive organs not weakened by 3T 568
       at all times MM 295;5T 206;
       to preserve health CD 85
    eating too much, results of 2SM 412
    family that perished from lack of 2T 384
    God has provided abundance of CD 90-2;MM 283;
    good blood made by 2T 537
    health and strength ensured by 2T 432
    is best AH 262;CD 52;