EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Forgiveness MB 113-6    [226]
    rabbis limited, to three offenses COL 243
    spirit of: does not lessen claim of just obligation COL 247
       God sought to teach JW to have 3T 97
       lacking among God’s people 3T 95
       manifest 2T 566
       manifested through Spirit’s influence MB 21-2
       pray with, in heart SC 97;3T 95;5T 170;
    See also Pardon
    acceptance of / belief in; HP 111.4, 126.4;TSB 259.1;
       as we confess; trust the promises TDG 89.4
       Christ’s UL 219.5
       from Christ’s 3SM 325.2
       is as important as confessing TDG 89.2
       is as much a duty as is confession HP 111.4, 126.4;2MCP 677.2;
       justified in submission not in transgression LHU 237.2
       when asking in contrition 3SM 196.3
    after confession to one wronged and restitution TMK 260.4
    allegiance to God returned for; accepting the Word TDG 84.2
    and acceptance of Christ’s sacrifice AG 249.4
    and victory through Christ, seen in Isaiah 58 HP 110.3