EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Giving aim at perfect conformity to Christ’s will in 1T 160    [123]
    example of Christ in, character like His from following HP 303.4
       results of OHC 189.4
       spirit of, needed TDG 97.6
    from abundance yet retaining all the heart desires HP 301.4
    impulse in TSB 70
    more than, needed; work to heal, encourage, etc. CME 23.0
    motive in, marked by God OHC 199.3
    nature of God HP 81.2
    now is most important time for RY 94.3
    plan for future, cut off by adversity, accident, intrigue RY 95.1
    portion of income for, depends on circumstances TDG 97.3
    receive for HP 232.3
       from God to be followed by TDG 253.4
       thoughts and feelings needed for, of expression FW 27.0
    responsibility for appropriation in RY 95.0
    spiritual needs suffer from neglect in TDG 80.3
    stinted, not rewarded; God is to be honored TDG 97.2
    talent of; words and sympathy TDG 85.4