EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

God   [6627]
    Lord, frequently
    Lord God
       Lord God of heaven 8T 238
       Lord God of Israel LS 323, 386, 424, 430
       Lord God Omnipotent 6BC 1081;FE 505;
    Lord Jehovah 8T 258
       God of love MB 45
       Omnipotent Love DA 111
       His great and excellent Majesty MYP 58
       divine Majesty 3SG 264;4aSG 34;SR 139;
       Majesty of heaven 2BC 995;MB 121;4T 164, 471, 484;5T 753;
       Majesty of truth CT 478
       Maker of all 4T 136
       Maker of all mankind PK 369
       Maker of heaven(s) and earth CT 186;2T 494;