EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

God   [6627]
       bountiful Preserver SD 17
       Preserver of life SC 123
    Prince of princes PP 136
       great Proprietor of all 7T 88
       great Proprietor of all things 3BC 1130
       Proprietor of our fields, flocks, and herds AA 337
       Proprietor of universe 2SM 137
       supreme Proprietor of all we have 4T 480-1
       true Proprietor of fields, flocks, and herds PP 526
    Protector MM 120
       Almighty Protector PP 463
       omnipotent Protector PP 451
       great Provider for man and beast SC 123
    Purifier of souls 4T 86
    Redeemer MB 26
    Refiner GC 621;4T 86;