EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

God   [6627]
       bringing souls to light, Ellen White learned about TDG 76.2
       dependent on work of His followers LHU 325.4
       distinguish between work of darkness and 3SM 389.4
       evidence of genuineness of LHU 123.7
       (exertion) in uniting human with divine for salvation TMK 256.3
       for humanity; TDG 12.5
appreciation for, influenced by God FW 73.1
hindered by our lack of diligent effort CC 263.3
is removal of sin, and wrong habits/feelings HP 107.3
is sparing, pardoning, exalting, adopting, etc. OHC 17.4
when invited by faith TMK 55.2
       for those who trust Him OHC 316.2
       in nature connected by Christ to Word of life TMK 144.3
       in those who permit it TMK 106.5
       leave in His hands; it is His not ours PM 112.1
       lessons from, repeated; angels join in praise HP 288.4
       not recognized by some UL 23.2
       only in cooperation with humanity TMK 55.4
       only through those who submit to Him 1MCP 39.2
       questioning UL 340.5