EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel accepted by many people as way of escape from suffering COL 47    [520]
    education a failure without acceptance of 1MCP 196.1
    ethics of, perfection of God’s mind and will OHC 108.2;RC 35.2;
    faith in, must complement law OHC 141.4
    fault not in, but in people TDG 18.2
    feet to be shod with preparation of TMK 328.2
    giving, in purity,
       in the time of the loud cry Mar 218.4
       stream is to deepen and widen PM 386.4
    glory and fullness of, in life controlled by truth TDG 357.7
    good news of grace: no condemnation and ability to obey 2MCP 563.2
    grace experienced results in working to diffuse LHU 230.5
    grasping revelations of, takes more than human intelligence TDG 278.5
    heals maladies sin has produced UL 131.4
    health, begin in earnest to give, to people OHC 267.3
    heavenly feast UL 304.2
       given by, assured in the word of eternal life TDG 223.3
       in doing commandments is, sounding down through time TDG 28.6
    ignorance of, leads to following Christ at distance TDG 18.2
    influence of, in all of life RC 164.3