EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel accepted by many people as way of escape from suffering COL 47    [520]
       to hear HP 234.5
       when Christ came TDG 31.4
    power of,
       consoles those being purified by affliction OHC 317.6
       experienced personally seeing charms of Jesus FW 107.1
       for obedience FW 52.1
       made known in lives of obedient believers TMK 345.3
       realized by personal experience RC 76.2
       same now as when Paul wrote of it UL 309.2
       shown daily in lives of fallen humans HP 148.3
       through humanity LHU 230.5
       to impress hearts UL 16.6
    practicing, in medical missionary work brings success CME 7.3
    preparation with the armor of SW 76.2
    pride of human understanding abased by TMK 135.4
    principles of,
       lived to reflect God’s glory LHU 266.3
       lost UL 70.3
       protected from misunderstanding by Paul’s tent making TDG 214.5