EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel accepted by many people as way of escape from suffering COL 47    [520]
    promise of,
       bruising of Satan’s head was first Con 19.0
       grasp; souls are valuable TDG 271.2
       contest between popery and 3SM 386.1
       prepare way of the Lord for, guided by the Spirit TDG 195.4
    race and caste to have no influence in dissemination of HP 319.3
    reality of, made evident in godly lives RC 347.5
    regeneration of heart by, if it is received OHC 104.5
    requirement of, ministry to others; light to shine PM 284.5
    resources for advancement of, as God’s love is shown CME 22.3
    salt with savor represents; powerful for saving souls TDG 25.6
    salvation through mercies of God AG 138.4
    same as covenant made with Abraham AG 129.5
    sanctification by, sends feet through strait gate UL 234.5
    satisfaction with, without human reasoning TDG 127.2
    simplicity of,
       operate schools and sanitariums in 1MCP 11.2
       truth proclaimed powerfully in PM 309.0
    singing evangelists may minister to those who seldom hear RC 255.2