EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel accepted by many people as way of escape from suffering COL 47    [520]
    sin’s power (not the law) broken by Mar 326.6
    steadfastness in, strengthened by obedience TMK 318.3
    study needs to continue for presentation of VSS 324.0
    sustained by One who bade disciples proclaim it TDG 24.2
    themes of, inspiring, presented; about Christ 3SM 186
    theory of, from the pulpit; practical piety shows value TDG 81.2
    time taken from proclaiming, to correct false doctrines UL 365.4
    truth(s) of,
       as explained in God’s Word to be accepted UL 144.2
       connected into string of heavenly jewels 3SM 198.4;TDG 224.2;
       entrusted to us UL 159.3
       for changing character TDG 81.3
       invigorates daily RY 73.1
       keep before the mind UL 85.6
       seen by Christians’ love for one another TDG 332.5
    truth principles are in, expressed in a pure life TDG 352.3
    understanding is not all that is addressed by OHC 105.2
    unfolded in the Old Testament TMK 38.3
       and love is glory of LHU 292.5