EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel accepted by many people as way of escape from suffering COL 47    [520]
       by, into one brotherhood OHC 171.2
    unprepared for, by despising blessings of Jewish age TDG 246.3
    vast design of, and precious purpose FW 107.1
       of God and the voice of duty TDG 287.3
       used in proclaiming VSS 23.2
    wealth given to invest in opening RC 269.2
    word of God for life and salvation TDG 297.6
    work of,
       abundance of, for those who know the truth PM 310.1
       Christ’s earnestness in HP 317.3
       extend UL 76.3
       fishermen unschooled in worldly ways chosen for TMK 189.3
       for cities and also in the byways UL 60.3
       grace and physical exercise needed for OHC 221.4
       perform with none of Satan’s science UL 97.2
    workers for, tested, but to remember God’s strength RC 352.4
    working for body and soul is interpretation of CME 7.3
    See also Christ, gospel of; Christ, knowledge of; Christ, love of; God,
    kingdom of; Message; Redemption; Salvation, plan of; Truth