EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel accepted by many people as way of escape from suffering COL 47    [520]
    closing work of, enlist help of common people in Ed 269-70
    contains God’s expressed will 6T 241
    counterfeit of, Jews defrauded world by DA 36
    countries hitherto closed to, are opening their doors GW 27
    cure for maladies that originated in sin is MH 115
    danger of separating from last message of, its leading and most urgent features 6T 290
    depends on its believers for its aggressive power ChS 21;WM 36;
    devils are in assemblies where, is preached COL 44
    do not hide, with ornamental roses SD 266
    do not praise, but praise Christ 7BC 907
    do not present, as lifeless theory DA 826;MH 99;
    do not worship, but worship Lord of gospel 7BC 907
    does for darkened mind what science and literature cannot do FE 199-200
    does not encourage formal politeness current with world GW 123
    doors closed to, cannot remain forever closed AA 179
    each effort to expound, should be improvement on previous ones 4T 270
    education is failure unless student’s heart accepts CT 12-3;FE 536;
    embodied, God’s law is COL 128
    encourages politeness that springs from real kindness of heart GW 123
    enemy has united men to counterwork, by perverting its principles 6T 242