EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel accepted by many people as way of escape from suffering COL 47    [520]
    erroneous teaching that men should be forced to receive COL 235
    ethics of, acknowledge no standard but perfection of divine character MH 451;7T 276;
    everlasting: proclaims God’s law 2SM 106
       proclamation of judgment in Rev. 14:6, 7 is called COL 227-8
       should be proclaimed by human agencies 2SM 115
       was declared in Eden 2SM 106
    every believer should give, to others AA 109
    excellency and power of, how to reveal 5T 531
    express gratitude for, by seeking to do good to others 9T 31
    faith of, souls in highways and byways to be brought to FE 529
    few people accepted, as result of Paul’s discourse before court of Areopagus MH 214
    first given to Adam and Eve 7BC 932;1SM 230;
       by Christ 1BC 1084
       in sentencing of Satan PP 65-6
    first principles of, truth and righteousness are 2SM 212
    framework of, diligently gather up jewels of truth and place them in GW 289
    gentle and courteous spirit of, believers who misrepresent MB 125
    gifts of, are not to be enjoyed in secret DA 347;MH 100;
       not to be secured by stealth DA 347;MH 100;
    give, in its purity 9T 96