EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel work FE 529-32    [612]
       done by proxy 9T 41
       done haphazardly with hope of success 4T 67
    cannot fail when God’s people obey Christ’s word AA 29
    carry forward, in simplicity of gospel 7T 38
    center of, Battle Creek should not be TM 375
       God is to be TM 375
    certain amount of education and training is essential to 4T 601
    children will do, which older workers cannot do 6T 203
    Christ began, in humility 7T 101
    Christ made no division in 6T 242
    church should not rely on worldly rank and splendor in doing 7T 101
    church will have to do in terrible crisis, she fails to do in time of peace and prosperity 5T 463
    close of EW 279-85;GC 635-6;
       angel will announce in heaven GC 613
    closing, vast field is to be occupied during Ed 269
       would have been completed if God’s people had done their duty since 1844 8T 116
    commence, without noise or trumpeting Ev 445
    commenced and carried forward by SDA at great sacrifice LS 244
    compared to: fishing with net COL 122
       wheel within wheel DA 823