EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel work FE 529-32    [612]
    difficulties met by, God has means for removing 8T 10
       must not be allowed to discourage us LS 306
    diligent and thorough, prayers should be seconded by Ev 652
    directed by Spirit in every age GC 343
    dishonesty in, let there be no CS 143
    distribution of, need of DA 361-2
    divided into different branches, God’s purpose for LS 218
    divine and human agencies must cooperate in CT 22;DA 296;
    divine grace alone can complete TM 508
    division of, need of GW 196-200
    do not center, in any one place 7T 172
    do not cheapen, by rigid economy Ev 68
    do not expect all to be peace and joy in 5T 134
    do not feel that, depends principally on minister 6T 427
    do not leave, to ravel out Ev 110
    do not miss mark in Ev 120
    do not neglect, because of home affairs Ev 655
    do not try to reveal everything in Ev 120
    do not wait for some costly apparatus to be provided for Ev 86
    do not wait in, for souls to come to us COL 229