EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel worker, Gospel workers 7BC 969;5T 721-9;    [1417]
       works at all hours and is never off duty 9T 45
    loyal, mistakes of 7T 278-9
    loyal and experienced, warning against forwardness in reproving EW 118-9
    lukewarm, Christ cannot use 9T 26
    making: God their trust will not be put to shame MH 511
       God’s work tenfold harder than it really is Ev 635
       great parade to call attention to self often interpose between people and God MH 477
       haste slowly Ev 415
       mistakes should be given chance to correct their errors TM 300
       self-glorification his aim will find himself destitute of grace COL 402
       their work hard and toilsome TM 190-1
    men, cannot be too circumspect when working together 5T 594
    men from common people will be used by God as, in closing work of gospel Ed 269-70;7T 270-2 See also Common people;
    men having limited school education are often chosen by God as MH 150
    men whom God does not call to be EW 98
    manifesting: energy, integrity, and diligence are needed MH 499
       lack of courtesy may close door to hearts MH 157
       no reverence for age or office, offended when counseled or reproved LS 275
    manufacturing home difficulties Ev 655
    many Christian, in world have not heard wonderful truths received by SDA TM 416-7