EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel worker, Gospel workers 7BC 969;5T 721-9;    [1417]
    spirit of independence among, warning against 9T 257-61
    spirit of unity and harmony needed among TM 491
    Spirit will impress men in common walks of life to go forth as 7T 27
    Spirit’s efficiency enables, to represent Christ in saving souls 7T 30
    spiritual power lost by, as result of neglect of Bible study and prayer 6T 253
    spiritual pride endangers EW 98
    stands in fearfully responsible position 3T 555
    strength given to, for renewed effort 1SM 88
    strength needed by, God is able and willing to give to AA 242
    strength of: does not lie in outward agencies 9T 110
       lies in earnest prayer to God for help 9T 110
       lies in obedience to God’s word 9T 110
       lies in trustful dependence on God 9T 110
       not in self but in God DA 360
       prayer is source of 7T 243
    strife or variance should not exist among 5T 535
    students preparing to be, should be trained to speak in clear and straightforward manner CT 217
    success attending, self is ever ready to take credit for DA 493
    success of: church members should be personally concerned about GW 26
       is given by divine power PK 176