EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Grace   [1063]
    blessings of, to soul who accepts Christ MH 100
    chambers of mind must be swept by FE 49;SD 107;6T 170;
    changes man’s natural disposition AA 273
    Christ’s favorite theme COL 40
    Christian should be channel of, to world MB 82
    Christians must impart, to others 8T 178
    church in danger of restraining, by failing to educate youth 5T 390
    comes through channel of living faith EW 72;2SG 291;
    compared to dew, rain, and sunshine DA 192
    completion of work of, in soul is represented by ripening of grain TM 506
    condition of eternal life under MB 76
    control your feelings by 5T 314
    cultivated tendencies to wrong must be crucified by MYP 68
    demonstration of, that world needs MH 132
    departure of power of, leaves soul cold and Christless MB 37
    depend on, for efficiency to do your work MYP 148
    desired by many to serve selfish purposes COL 252
    dispensed to His servants to meet emergency DA 354
    do not receive, in vain 6T 297
    does not abide in him who neglects his great privileges and opportunities ChS 89