EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Grace   [1063]
    mental progress constantly possible through HP 195.5
       cannot grasp AG 179.2
       given to earthly things cannot receive HP 160.3
       is refined and purified by TMK 86.4
       not transformed by, when given to earthly things TDG 87.4
    molded as a channel of, by surrender to the Holy Spirit TMK 276.5
    mysteries of,
       made plain UL 46.2
       unfolded through Christ TMK 365.5
    need of repentance seen through TMK 288.4
    need qualifies us for AG 10.2;HP 34.3;
       daily to stay converted OHC 215.2
       for this time RC 206.3
       to resist temptation OHC 129.2
    not confined to few TMK 98.2
    obedience is the fruit of UL 126.4
    objects of, indifferent to amazing gift of God’s Son TMK 168.4
    oil of, ask for OHC 264.4