EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Grace   [1063]
       purified and glorified through TDG 202.3
    refused as Jerusalem refused Christ TDG 109.8
    regenerating, needed to keep the law FW 95.3
    rejection of; name blotted out TMK 238.3
    release from condemnation and enabling to obey 2MCP 563.2
    remember, when clouds sweep over the soul TMK 257.2
    requirement for: faithful work and good fruits FW 47.2;NL 34.3;
    resistance to Satan’s domination by the gift of FLB 117.3
    responsibility to diffuse OHC 245.3
    result of believing on Christ TMK 104.2
    revelation of,
       for us TDG 329.3
       in humanity shows power of truth TMK 128.3
       in life only when thoughts kept in Christ HP 164.3
       is for us HP 188.2
       people of God need Holy Spirit for 3SM 202.0
       to others is necessary TMK 235.5
       under all circumstances if it is in soul RC 185.3
    riches of,
       as enduring as eternity TMK 216.3