EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Grace   [1063]
    need of, person fallen into gross sins may feel SC 30
    needed to: build noble and virtuous character PP 460
       refine and purify character CG 164;SD 154;
    neglect or rejection of, heart is hardened by every SC 33
    never exposes another’s wrongs unnecessarily CT 267;FE 279-80;
    no substitute for LS 245-6
    noble character is earned by individual effort and COL 331
    nothing can be done without TM 319
    obtained by prayer 1T 158
    oil of, lamp of life must be fed by 9T 155
       soothes and subdues hasty temper MYP 73
    only antidote for evil CG 188
    outward forms of religion are valueless without PP 590
    partakers of, guide others to living stream CH 508
    people who receive, cannot keep it for themselves MM 334
    perform every known duty by SC 111
    persons seeking, dress as God’s word indicates CG 414;6T 96;
    Philemon’s good purposes and traits of character were due to AA 457
    physician may carry, as sweet perfume into sickroom 5T 448
    power of: imparted to overcome corruption in world CT 252