EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health   [459]
       is, to those who receive Him LHU 221.7
       messenger of, to the afflicted RC 37.4
       was, in Himself; disease rebuked in His presence TMK 48.3
       will bring UL 162.4
    circulation of pure blood required for OHC 255.2
    clearness of perception from following, as did Daniel TMK 313.4
    communicating knowledge of, without irritating words RY 42.1
    danger to physical and spiritual, if not subject to Christ RC 159.2
       and companions gave evidence of good habits of RC 141.5
       taught what food would not preserve RC 143.2
    diet affects TMK 86.5
    dreamy condition must be replaced by action for 2MCP 604.2
    duty of attention to RC 147.2
    easy to lose but difficult to regain TMK 86.3
    education for, important 3SM 280.2
    Ellen White,
       not influenced on topic of, by writings of J. C. Jackson 3SM 276
       grateful for Edson’s TDG 230.2
    enemies of: opium, tea, coffee, tobacco, liquor RC 142.5