EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health   [459]
    principles of, bearing upon this and future life RC 246.4
    recovery of, assisted by useful physical labor RC 160.5
    regaining, eating right and exercise usually better for, than rest 1MCP 119.3
    religion of good works necessary to TDG 25.5
    religion thought to injure, but religion brings happiness 2MCP 782.3
    requirements of God benefit, of body and mind RC 144.3
    requires careful culture; likewise for the mind 2MCP 376.3
    responsibility for,
       as the Lord’s property TDG 123.2
       preservation TSB 113.3
       wrong to leave care of it to God 3SM 280.1
    restoration to, accept Christ for blessing in 2MCP 409.4
    right doing brings the blessing of 2MCP 407.4
    sacrificed by brooding 1MCP 62.3
    sadness damages 2MCP 458.2
    sanctification requires preservation of all kinds of RC 144.4
    satisfaction in God, pathway to FLB 229.6
    science of, religious duty of everyone to learn TDG 206.3
    shun every practice unfavorable to OHC 270.2
    simple living retains TDG 230.2