EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health journal, Health journals adapt, to needs of common people 1T 552    [27]
    cause of health reform should be aided by 7T 136
    circulation of: church members should engage in CH 447;CM 134;
       do not neglect CM 136
       greater interest should be shown in CH 446-7;CM 136;
       ministers should promote CH 447
       ministers should urge CM 134
       needed to prepare people for Christ’s coming CH 447
    contents of 1T 552-3
    field should be occupied by, at same time as other journals CH 447
    first principles of laws of life should be explained by 1T 552
    food recipes in, care needed in preparation of CW 129;7T 126;
    light shining from, people need CM 134;7T 136;
    people are to be led by, to heed third angel’s message CM 134;7T 136;
    people should be taught by: how to obey laws of life 1T 552-3
       how to obtain health 1T 552-3
       how to prepare healthful food MM 261
       how to treat the sick MM 261
    people too poor to attend health institution should be reached by 1T 553
    persons wishing to improve in cooking should subscribe to CD 254
    publication of, great object to be kept in view by 1T 553