EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
    living principally on soups, coffee, and bread is not CD 105
    lustful appetite is restricted by 1T 486
    made health deform by unpalatable preparation of food MM 270
    man who said he could not live in accord with 2T 351
    many brethren opposed in heart to 6T 373
    many people in high places and in low will receive CD 209
    many people will be rescued from degeneracy through MYP 218
    message of: God cannot sustain His servants in course counteracting CH 561
       God has given, to SDA CH 561
       God has given SDA work of proclaiming MM 280
       SDA bound by sacred obligations to heed CH 21
    ministers are required by God to interest themselves in 1T 618
    ministers indifferent to 6T 299
    ministers must lead people higher in 6T 376
    ministers often neglect Ev 343
    ministers oppose, whose practices are contrary to it 6T 378
    ministers reproved for not giving proper attention to 6T 327
    ministers should be intelligent re CH 449;6T 376;
    ministers should not fail to adopt 1T 469-70
    ministers should teach 1T 559