EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
       by precept and example CH 449
    ministers should urge, upon all believers 1T 469-70
    ministers who are no recommendation of GW 230;4T 417;
    ministers who cause stigma to rest upon cause of 4T 417
    ministers who hinder 6T 377
    ministry must be intelligent re MM 238
    misinterpreted by many people CD 200
    mistakes made in teaching others CH 451
    moral courage needed to teach CH 452
    more is involved in, than leaving off everything hurtful 2T 362
    move from principle in 2T 368
    must act part in closing gospel work 3T 537
    must be: bound up with preaching of gospel 8T 168
       part of last great effort to proclaim message MM 259
       progressive 3T 20-1
    must do among SDA a work which it has not yet done CH 575
    must stand out more prominently in proclamation of third angel’s message CD 75
    need of patience, forbearance, and love in advocating 4T 569
    needed everywhere MM 259
    neglect of 2T 66-73