EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
       by SDA 1T 485
       danger resulting from 4T 214
       much has been lost by CD 76
    neutral position re, conversion needed by persons taking 6T 377
    not a needless appendix to truth 1T 546
    not heartily received in churches 6T 370
    not leading theme in third angel’s message 1T 559
    novices in, create prejudice against it 2T 386-7
       do it great injury 2T 386-7
    novices should not be allowed to advocate 2T 386
    object of: not merely to quiet pains of today 1T 643
       to secure highest possible development of mind, soul, and body CD 23, 464;CH 390;
       to teach people how to live 1T 643
       to teach people to give nature chance to remove and resist disease 1T 643
    object lessons in 6T 112-3
    objections re, EGW met 2T 356
    one branch of work that is to prepare people for Christ’s coming CH 20;3T 61;
    one-sided ideas of, some people too rigid in their CD 196
    opportunity to tell what, really is Ev 534
    opposed by some people ever since it was first introduced 2T 394