EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
    SDA must rise higher and higher upon question of, as end nears 6T 112
    SDA need to be brought up to right position on 2T 375
    SDA who are careless re CD 366;MM 286;
    SDA who sneer at 1T 487
    simple lessons on, sanitarium patients need CD 445
    simplicity is part of CD 275
    some persons have acted indiscreetly re 6T 373
    sound philosophy on, given to SDA by God 3T 162
    straight testimony needed on 9T 158
    strongest positions should not be presented first in teaching 3T 21
    students should practice CT 293
    subject of: ministers and people should agitate 1T 489
       ministers frequently neglect Ev 256
       must be agitated 3T 62
       revival needed on MM 259
       should be urged upon people 1T 489
       two fanatics on 2T 385
    success of, good cookery essential to CD 263
    tact and discretion needed in teaching 9T 161
    take hold of, in intelligent manner CD 446